Workouts can be defined as “constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.” In practice, this means that in each lesson you can imagine yourself as an infantryman, firefighter or policeman – they train according to the same program (or rather, its absence). It is the non-linearity of the lesson that is the key characteristic of this type of fitness, it implies the ability to work out all muscle groups without dying of boredom (in the gym, some see not meditativeness, but precisely it).

The beauty of crossfit for a beginner is the so-called arrival, or, more seriously, the neurohormonal response – a state when, in response to a threshold load, hormones begin to play in the body. It can be achieved both in shaping and Pilates, on your own in the yard or even by jumping next to the workplace. But the vast majority of people find it difficult to achieve a “come” even under the supervision of a coach. And at CrossFit, you do your best in a group, a timer is ticking somewhere, and you really want your result to be at least not the last. Therefore, the same response happens in almost every workout.

Why do people choose crossfit over other workouts?

It is difficult to describe this condition, but it is what makes such training effective. Personally, I like to watch my speed and endurance grow, improve my strength indicators, cross out the old personal maximum in a notebook and add a new one a couple of kilograms more. My colleagues and new friends rejoiced that in training you completely disconnect from work tasks and forget about the routine. I was inspired by the fact that you can come to training sleepy, tired, give it your all, and ten minutes after the shower feel cool, cheerful and the ruler of the world.

What does a crossfit workout include?

The training itself, like any average, lasts an hour and a half. It necessarily includes a warm-up and a hitch (we will not get tired of repeating them, because damaged muscles and joints and stiff limbs are not included in the training program). Between them – a combination of exercises; their constituent movements can be divided into several groups. Some include external objects (there are a million shells: weights, balls, a barbell, even a tree trunk, if it’s in nature), others are performed with their own body weight: all kinds of push-ups and squats, pull-ups, body lifts.


Cardio exercises are also included in the main part of the lesson – this is running, rowing exercises, swimming, jumping (rope and regular). Now the coolest thing: all these movements are combined with each other (two, three, four or five) – the training scenario is limited only by the coach’s imagination. “CrossFit involves the whole body, as most of the movements are multi-component, and not like those that are practiced on machines (for example, bicep curls). The whole body is trained, and if you need to “finish off” something specific, you can do it after a group workout individually.

Frequently asked questions about crossfit

The number one question among beginners: will I lose weight? Question number two: will I swing? To be honest, I had an idea: I’ll start doing CrossFit, finally lose a couple of kilograms, become a beauty queen and there will be no aisle from men. I often hear similar things in one or another iteration from novice girls. I would not like to say that CrossFit does not lose weight, because it will put out the fire in some eyes, but: CrossFit does not lose weight.

Weight loss is 95% diet, and although everyone has heard it, no one seems to take it seriously. The body begins to change after a month of regular training. After two, muscle mass increases (do not be afraid of this) and the fat layer decreases, the body becomes “quality”. But it is very important to monitor nutrition and exercise regularly, then a visible result will certainly be visible on your body.

How should you change your nutrition?

With nutrition, it’s really simple: you need to limit (ideally, remove) simple carbohydrates and sugars, lean on proteins and vegetables; eat – no later than an hour and a half before training. The diet should be great whether you’re exercising or not. And without sports, eating fast food and drinking sweet soda is bad, chocolates and rolls are also bad.
It is interesting that you physically begin to feel every bun in your body when you complete this or that exercise, and this suggests that perhaps it is really time to change something in the diet.

Do I need special clothes for training?

There are no special requirements for clothing, although there are entire lines for crossfitters. A sporty one that is comfortable for you is quite suitable. The main thing is shoes: in weightlifting, stability is important for the body and at the same time lightness, so that after the bar you can jump onto the box without changing your shoes; sneakers like the Nike Free or Reebok CrossFit Nano are great options.

Who should not do crossfit?

You need to understand that despite the versatility of CrossFit, this sport is quite traumatic. That is why it is important to responsibly choose a studio, an instructor, hone your technique and not try to achieve the result the fastest.
The disadvantage of CrossFit’s high-intensity revs is the risk of overtraining.


  • heart disease;
  • presence of hemorrhoids, prostatitis;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • various hernias, eg stomach / spine;
  • ulcer;
  • previous traumatic brain injury.

A rather dynamic sport deserves attention due to its effectiveness and non-standard approach. In addition, this is a great option for changing physical activity if you are already pretty tired of the gym, swimming pool or Pilates.